Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Songs I'm currently obsessed with:
1. I kissed a girl
2. Rehab
3. Just got started lovin' you
4. I'm yours
5. Somewhere over the rainbow/what a beautiful world by that Hawaiin guy.

And in general the new Jason Mraz album. Sounds like somebody's going to be hitting up iTunes!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

OHMYGOD there are fish on my computer

So, I just discovered a whole new world. Yup, me, Aladdin, and Jasmine are on a magic carpet and it's taken us to iGoogle. iGoogle is the shit. You can make it pretty with cool pictures, shuffle around various applications/gadgets/feeds, and basically make your own little personalized part of Google. And guess what one of the gadgets is? FISH! They swim around a little box, you click anywhere inside that box and it drops a piece of food and then the FISH COME AND EAT IT!!! You can plop little dots of food everywhere, and they don't poop, they don't get fat, they don't float upside down, all they do is live! It's WONDERFUL!

I also learned what the hell an RSS Feed is. I consider myself to be somewhat computer literate - I'm much better at it then my Dad, but have no clue what coding or anything big like that is. So today, with the advent of a new age (now know as AG - After Google), I learned new technological things. An RSS Feed basically is a mini view of updates on a website - like the little hole at your end of the telescope with the other large end looking at the real webpage. And I added an RSS Feed to my new iGoogle page. And I feel really smart and accomplished. If you're reading this and are laughing at my simple-minded computerness, shut up and go away. I'm proud of my small accomplishment, so there. {tounge sticking out}

In other news, I still don't have a job. But I DO have my very own Google page.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Technology in Cars

I think they should make cars with dry erase boards in them. That way, when someone pulls a dumb move, you can tell them how you feel. The finger works well, but sometimes a situation needs more than that simple gesture.
In the past 48 hours I have witnessed two (2) fantastic points to support my arguement.

1. I was driving east on 66 and there was a decent amount of cars infront of me. I was in one of the left lanes, and saw that there was a slow car a couple cars ahead of me that people were having to pass on the left or right. Whenever someone went to go around him, the slow car would alternate turning on his left and right blinkers and tapping his brakes repeatedly. Once the car was past him, he stopped. Then he did it again to the next car that came up behind him. Then it was my turn. So I put my blinker on to go around him to the right, and he starts his light show, which is really dumb and pisses me off and makes me want to rear end him. Unfortunately I was unable to pass him, so I had to get back behind slow, light-happy asshole. Then I noticed that he had a couple religious bumper stickers on his car. GREAT, so I can't flick him off or be an ass back because God would probably not like that. Well piss. Ok, so I go to pass him on the left, and he does the lights thing AGAIN! So as I pass him, I stare directly at him and give him my best "What the HELL do you think you're doing?" look. He in turn stares at me in a "God's watching you speed and pass me" sort of way. Great, thanks buddy.

What was he trying to do? Is speeding and passing on a highway a sin? Is this a new form of spreading God's word - through blinkers and brakes?

2. Today my Mom and I went to the grocery store. We drive on our little 25 mph streets to get there, takes about -2 seconds, real easy. Except when special people are on the road. Today's special person really takes the cake. We're at on intersection, and our light turns green. The car in front of us goes, and we follow. However, there is a woman stopped at the other direction's red light who wants to turn right, and did not stop at the line. Well, her back bumper miiight have been at the line, but it was most likely past it. So this woman who wants to turn right is in our way, and we clearly have the right of way and want to get out of the intersection while our light is still green. But eager-right-turn lady is special. So the car infront of us has stopped because we can't get through the intersection, and is probably giving special lady a look (I would too). We are forced to drive around special lady, and as we do so, she BLOWS HER HORN at us, throws up her hands, and starts yelling at us. You can't be serious. There is absolutely no way you can possibly think you were in the right. They draw a line on the road, it's big, it's white, the road is black, everyone can see it. You stop at that line and then you move forward WHEN IT"S YOUR TURN. Duh

Also, if you forget to turn your blinker off after changing lanes or making a turn, you slowly drive everyone insane and they all hate you and want to see you burst into a firey ball of flames, ignited by your forgotten blinker.

Dear Real World, let me in!

Alright, so here's what my general "plan of action" was after graduation....
1. Pack up life in Whipple (sniff sniff)
2. Move back to Arlington (briefly)
3. Unpack
4. Spend a week or two hanging around Arlington, visit friends and family, etc.
5. Get a job in early June in Winchester
6. Go on my merry way in the Real World (RW)

Aw, that's cute Jo. You had a little plan and everything - here's a cookie. Unfortunately, the cookie's not worth shit. And evidently neither are two degrees from Virginia Tech, decent work experience, and a good gpa. COOL! I worked my butt off in college for nothing.

I have submitted dozens and dozens of resumes, created length profiles on a buttload of company and job search websites, and have heard zippo. Bite me, RW.

I'm blaming part of my unsuccessfulness on the crappy economy and the fact that nobody's hiring and that people with more experience who were laid of from another job are getting the jobs I'm applying for. But it still sucks.

Not that I miiind not having to get up early to go to work. But I kinda like work - I like having coworkers and solving problems and going on lunch breaks and coming home at the end of the day to spend time with my family and friends. I don't mind that the new work day is 8:30-5:30, although I think it's cheating if company's are still paying the same but for more hours.

So I'm 4 weeks out of college, and this is pretty much what every day is like for me:
9:30 am - wake up
10:00 am - breakfast: Cheerios and COFFEE
10:45 am - tennis with my Mom
12:00 pm - watch the French Open on TV/job search
12:30 pm - eat lunch
1:00 pm - walk Zoe, the 8 month old German Shepard puppy for $10 a day
1:45 pm - return home, let my dog Sandy sniff me, then appologize for going to see another dog by playing with her
2:00 pm - shower
2:30 pm - more job searching
3:30 pm - get frustrated with lack of job searching success, so either watch TV, do a sudoku, browse icanhascheezburger.com, stalk facebook, or take a nap
5:30 pm - do something random and dumb because I'm bored
6:30 pm - eat dinner
7:30 pm - watch TV
11:00 pm - go to bed

I'm bored and I want a job.